PIAB Toolkit, Guides and Cards

£255.00 £199.00

If you’re committed to helping your clients solve the following challenges – then you’ll gain massive value from Psychology In A Box

  • Your client is about to make a career transition to step into a bigger role and they want to raise their game as a leader
  • Your client wants to improve their engagement scores and establish their reputation as an effective leader
  • A team are dealing with conflict and unhealthy behaviour and trust is at a breaking point
  • Your client needs to coach and develop more leaders at every level and doesn’t know where to start
  • Your client has received 360-degree feedback, highlighting they need to raise their game as a Coach and in providing effective feedback
  • A Project Team are under-performing and pushing apart rather than pulling together

In every situation you can bring extraordinary value by using the Psychology In A Box tools. We’ll show you how with our Master class, the 10-day challenge and regular vlogs.    

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